
比如買[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家

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最近在網路上看到[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver 覺得價格很實在 深得我心

以下是[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!









  • An all-in-one grooming solution, that features a dual-end design

  • High-performance trimmer with cutting capabilities that provide refined grooming

  • Rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin

  • 3-D pivoting head for close shaves with less skin irritation

  • Suitable for use everywhere on your body, from your chest and abs to your back and shoulders

  • 3D pivoting head allows the shaving head to closely follow your body's contours for the ultimate in skin comfort on your body

  • Designed exclusively for men who want the ultimate body comfort below the neck: shaves and trims chest and abs, underarms, legs, groin area and back and shoulders

  • Get 50 minutes of cordless use with an 8-hour charge in the sleek store and charge stand

  • High performance trimmer has rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin. Select from from 5 length settings (up to 11/25 inch) to get the look you want

  • Water-resistant casing and materials. Use wet (in the shower) or dry





[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




經典賽(WBC)冠軍戰台北時間23日上午9時舉行,波多黎各迎戰美國,不管是哪一隊奪冠,都是他們隊史在經典賽史拿到的第一個冠軍。波多黎各由Seth Lugo先發,美國則由Marcus Stroman(史卓曼)主投。

波多黎各與美國八強複賽時曾碰頭,當時也是Seth Lugo對決Marcus Stroman,Stroman一局下一上場陣腳還沒站穩,就被波多黎各連敲6支安打失4分,陷入苦戰,冠軍戰再碰頭,Stroman誓言報仇。

Seth Lugo那一戰先發5.2局被擊出5支安打包括Buster Posey、Adam Jones各1轟,失3分,表現算稱職,此戰最後波多黎各6比5擊敗美國,Lugo贏得勝投。

▲波多黎各隊先發投手Seth Lugo。(圖/美聯社資料照/達志影像)

團購波多黎各隊上屆經典賽即打進冠軍決賽,可惜最後一戰0比3輸給多明尼加,只獲得亞軍。這次波多黎各捲土重來,目前7連勝,已打出驚人氣勢。效力太空人隊的Carlos Correa,目前7場全勤,打擊率4成,轟了3支全壘打,他將是波多黎各能否奪冠的關鍵人物。







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